Privacy Policy

This statement explains how we, RPS Asset Finance Pty Ltd T/as RPS Asset Finance, ABN 49 661 275 529

(‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’) collect, use and disclose personal information, including, subject to your consent, any information collected through the Referrer. This statement applies to persons who, we provide credit assistance services. It also applies to persons put forward as guarantors in relation to such credit assistance. When you sign below, you agree we can collect, hold, use and exchange personal in formation about you for these purposes. Your personal information will not be disclosed other than as set out in this Privacy Disclosure and Consent form, unless we have your permission or we are permitted or required to by law.


What is Personal Information?

Personal Information’ is information or an opinion about an identifiable person or a person who is reasonably identifiable. Common examples are an individual’s name, signature, address, telephone number, date of birth and bank account details. The Personal Information we may collect includes your


Collection of Personal Information

When we provide services to you, we collect personal information directly from you and from a variety of other sources We may also collect sensitive information, such as health information as part of your application for insurance. If sensitive information is collected, we will ask you for your permission unless we are otherwise required or authorised by law to collect this information without your consent.


Collection from other sources

You authorise us and or our financier partners on your behalf to make a request to access credit reporting information and credit eligibility information held by a credit reporting body. The main credit reporting bodies used by our financier partners are, Equifax, you can contact them by telephone on 1300-762-207 or email at [email protected]
Illion, you can contact them by telephone on 13 23 33 or by visiting the Contact Us page on their website – In our capacity as your access seeker, you authorise us to obtain your consumer and or commercial credit report from a current Credit Reporting Body (‘CRB‘) being Equifax, and you can contact them by telephone on 1300 762 207 or email at [email protected]

We may also collect Personal Information about you from your employers, landlords or other relevant bodies such as finance companies and banks.


Collection of Personal Information about others

If you provide information to us about third parties, such as any guarantors or family members, you agree to notify them of that fact and the information in this Privacy Disclosure and Consent form


Collection under the law

We are also required by the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 to collect personal information about you to learn about and verify your financial situation. For those purposes, we may disclose personal information to a CRB. Credit providers may also rely upon us to collect personal information about you as required by the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006.


Purposes for which we collect information

We collect, hold and use Personal Information to:
1. assess and verify your identity and your financial situation;
2. assess the credit risk and suitability of any person as a borrower or guarantor;
3. assess an application for finance and any related guarantee or insurance proposal;
4. where you apply for credit, provide Personal Information about you to a guarantor / applicant, or prospective guarantor / applicant;
5. exchange your Personal Information with a CRB on your behalf;
6. disclose your Personal Information to one or more credit provider(s) set out in the Schedule to arrange consumer credit or commercial credit;
7. disclose your Personal Information to an insurer(s) to arrange any insurance you wish to obtain;
8. obtain from, and disclose to, another third party such as your employer, information about you that is reasonably necessary to arrange for finance and / or insurance; and
9. any other activity related to the activities listed above.

If we cannot collect Information, and use your Personal Information, or are unable to verify your identity, we may be unable to process the credit application or insurance application or assess whether the guarantor may be accepted.


Disclosure of your Personal Information

1. We may disclose and exchange your Personal Information with credit providers, potential credit providers and the issuers of any insurance products who are the subject of an application. We may also disclose personal information to others to verify that it is correct (for example an employer), our related bodies corporate, assignees, agents, brokers, third party affiliates, partners, contractors and external advisers; organisations for verifying your identity; your agents, advisers, guardians or attorneys; law enforcement, regulatory and government bodies; anyone who introduces you to us; any person we consider necessary to execute your instructions; guarantors and persons with whom you make a joint application; any financial institution to or from which a payment is made in relation to your application; and debt collection agencies. Your Personal Information, including your credit information, may be disclosed to personnel we engage to provide you with our services, including programmers who administer the platform we use and who are based in China in Wuxi Jiangsu Province. To the extent required by law, we will ensure such overseas recipients comply with the requirements of the Australian Privacy Principles.

2. We may use and disclose personal information held about you for secondary purposes which are related to the primary purpose of providing services to you. You acknowledge and agree that those secondary purposes may include recommending a service or lending product offered by a trusted referral partner including RPS Asset Finance Pty Ltd, ABN 49 661 275 529


Your right to access and correct your Personal Information

Our Privacy Policy contains information about your rights to access your Personal Information and seek correction of such information. Our Privacy Policy also contains information about how you may complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, or if you believe we have not complied with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) or the Privacy (credit reporting) Code 2024 (version 1.2). To access and seek correction of your Personal Information, or make a complaint about privacy, you can contact us at:

Phone: 1300 777 346
Email: [email protected]
Mail: 32/195 Clayton, VIC, Wellington, 3168



We, our related companies and our selected business partners would like to provide you or the company of which you are a director, with direct marketing information about the products and services we believe you will be interested in. You can opt-out of receiving direct marketing communications from us at any time.

If you do not want to receive marketing information from us, please email [email protected]


Electronic communications

If you provide us with an email address or mobile phone number, you consent to us using these electronic addresses to send you all communications which can be lawfully provided electronically. Electronic addresses must be regularly checked for notices or other communications from us. You also consent to us using these details to send, or make available to you to access, notices and documents – for example, a credit guide from credit provider(s) or a financial services guide and product disclosure statement from any insurer. You are responsible for ensuring that you maintain the appropriate software and hardware, to access, view, retrieve, print and save a copy of such documents. We will no longer provide you with a hard-copy (i.e. electronic documents in paper form) unless we are legally obliged to do so. You must ensure that your email does not block our notices and communications. You must also ensure that your email address or mobile phone number remains current, and we rely on you to notify us of any changes in those contact details. You should nominate an email address or mobile phone number which is only accessible by you, rather than, for example, one which is accessible by your work colleagues or family members. Your consent to electronic communication may be withdrawn at any time by notifying us via phone on 1300 777 346.



Credit ProviderABNWebsite
Allied Retail Finance Pty Ltd31 609 859
Angle Finance98 603 303
ANZ11 005 357
Automotive Financial Services Pty Ltd73 003 622
Azora Asset Finance Pty Ltd12 087 826
Banjo Loans32 713 685
Bizcap AU Pty Ltd54 633 927
BOQ Equipment Finance Limited78 008 492
Branded Financial Services Pty Ltd27 004 013
Capital Finance Australia Limited23 069 663
CFI Finance Pty Ltd30 166 603
Commonwealth Bank of Australia48 123 123
Dynamoney Limited80 613 082
Finance One Commercial Pty Ltd18 634 900
Flexicommercial Pty Ltd17 644 644
Lumi Financial Management Pty Ltd79 627 897
Maple Asset Finance Pty Ltd92 674 353
Metro Finance44 600 674
MoneyMe Financial Group Pty Ltd40 163 691
Moneytech Services Pty Ltd81 112 110
Morris Finance Ltd70 083 630
Moula Money Pty Ltd95 164 875
Pepper Asset Finance Pty Ltd56 165 183
Plenti RE Limited57 166 646
Prospa Advance Pty Ltd47 154 775
Resimac Asset Finance Pty Ltd93 098 034
Scottish Pacific (BFS) Pty Limited69 101 657
Scottish Pacific Business Finance Pty Lim-
79 008 636
Secure Funding Pty Ltd25 081 982
Selfco a division of Auswide Bank Ltd40 087 652
Shift Financial Pty Ltd24 149 390
TruePillars Pty Ltd36 603 933
Westlawn Finance Limited19 096 725
Westpac Banking Corporation33 007 457
YellowGate Group Pty Ltd94 647 366